Tuesday, March 06, 2007


One of my favorite places to park is in the Kroger parking lot. I love watching people going in and coming out of the store. Today while watching, I watched an elderly woman get out of her car, close the car door and walk towards the entrance. What astonished me was that she didn't look to the left or to the right. The good thing is that there wasn't any traffic at the time. I know because I took a look when I saw that she hadn't. I left before she came back out. I hope she made it home safe and sound.
Another thing that caught my attention was how many shopping carts had to be brought back to the store after so many people used so many of them. The person pushing them got a good workout out there pushing several at a time. It looked like a train coming down the tracks. In less than a minute or two she was right back at it. I got so tired watching her do all that work. One other thing is that it amazes me how many men stay in their cars while the woman of the house hold goes and gets the groceries. I just can't understand why would a man do such a thing as that! Excuse me, I have to pop the trunk for my wonderful wife who just walked across the parking lot with a load of things. I wonder what she bought me?

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