Wednesday, March 14, 2007


During these days of Lent I'm reading a cliff-note edition of The Gospel According to Mark. It is a well written book by a member of the church I attend. It is called, Mark Each Day by Wendell VanValin. Today I'm reading how Jesus was rejected by his family and friends because they wondered how He could be the Messiah. He was one of them. There's a song I used to hear a number of years ago that points out, "I've grown accustomed to your face..." Well, that may be the problem those people had with Jesus. And, that well may be our problem too. We've grown accustomed to God's grace. The song Amazing Grace is heard almost everyday being sung by someone. We know it by heart, but do we know it in our hearts? Amazing Grace each day may be an over-dose. We've heard it so much that it doesn't mean much to us anymore. Indeed, we have grown accustomed to God's grace, so much so that we take it for granted. Mark Each Day is helping me daily to deal with what God's grace is really all about. This cliff-note edition is filled full with ways of shaking our sleeping souls and awakening us to a new day with Jesus.

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