Thursday, February 08, 2007

Still Waiting

My wife and I ate at a restaurant today in Nashville after keeping an appointment we had there. After our waitress brought our food to our table she asked if we needed anything else. I told her I needed $10.00. She stopped in her tracks, looked at me and smiled. Then she walked away. I have yet to have any waitress take me up on giving me the $10.00. Why? She asked what we needed and I told her. Some just look at me and laugh. Some say that when I pay a big tip, I will get my $10.00. I'm still waiting. Maybe I need to come with a new answer to her question. I think I will ask for a a free car wash. I can always use one of those. I always leave a large tip. I tell her to brush her teeth daily. That's the tip my Mom always gave me.

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