Friday, February 09, 2007

The Early Morning Show

I was up early this morning to get some things done before meeting a friend for breakfast. I shaved and showered, put on the coffee and got the newspaper before 5:30. Then I opened the blinds in the Dinning Room and lo and behold, there was the God show. The sunrise was astonishing - awesome - out of this world! I stepped outside and stood still in the silence. It was as if God had given me these moments as "Good morning, John" wake - up call. I must confess that too often I'm too busy to stop and see the sun rise. Well, not today. This will nudge me into looking for the sunrise every morning that I'm up and at it so early. Indeed, "This is the day the Lord hath made." It is a great God show! And, it's free for the taking. Take it all in even if it is the Early Morning Show.

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