Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Simple Truths

Yesterday afternoon I slipped a piece of paper inside a book entitled, Simple Truths. I want to keep that paper because it is an email from the person who wrote the book, Stephen Bauman. I had emailed him yesterday morning to thank him for what he had to say in his book. Bauman is the Senior Minister of Christ United Methodist Church in New York City. What amazed me was that he emailed me back and, that he did it within a couple of hours of my emailing him. He shares such simple truths from everyday life. He says that they are right before our eyes if we will take time to look and listen for them. I know from personal experience that he is right. Many of my blog posts are made up of simple truths that come to me as I simply stop to take in what's happening right before my eyes. Many of my sermon seeds come from simple things. What a nice note from Stephen Bauman. The simple truth is that I hope to meet him and thank him personally one of these days. Until then, I will try to practice what he has to say in Simple Truths.

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