Monday, February 05, 2007


Being the very nice older brother than I am I invited my youngest brother over to watch the Super Bowl with us last night. It was a great game and we had a great time. There were times though when I wasn't watching the tv. Instead, I was watching my brother watching the game on tv. Every time his team did something right, he would yell and clap. Every time his team made a mistake, he would boo them as if they were the dumbest people in the world. He acted as if he had never heard of them! Then there were the commercials. He laughed so loud that I could hardly hear what was being said. And I had on my hearing-aids! Of course, I have to admit, I did my fair share of watching, yelling, and talking too. The greatest thing was, I ate more pizza than any one else. Watching the great game and the great gathering in the family room got me really, really hungry! And, by the way, our team won! As Tony the tiger would say, “That's GREAT!!!!"

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