Monday, January 15, 2007

"Who Let the Dog's Out?"

It was raining hard this morning when both Huskies made a run for it. They were out the door and far down the street before I could even sneeze. They don't seem to mind that it is raining.
They don't seem to mind that it's turning cooler by the minute. They don't seem to mind that
it will be dark before much longer. Worse of all, they don't seem to mind that we feed them, water them, shelter them, love them and, yes, miss them when they are acting like this. Three
of us have gone out to call them home. I have tried food to get them in. All they do is stare at
me as if to say, "You sure are dumb standing out here in all this rain! I'm gonna tell on you! Where is your Momma?" It has happened before. It will happen again. They get out. Despite it all, we still love them. Isn't that the way God is with us too? Think about it.

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