Wednesday, January 17, 2007


When I looked at a blog by Katie this morning, she said something about how many people in America have her same name. That sent me to search out how many people have my same name. There are 81 with the same name. There are 4,923,984 named John and, there are 4919 Coomers in America. I know one other John Coomer, my Father. I know too many other Coomers though. Just kidding. Isn't it interesting that John is the 2nd most popular name in America? So, what is the most popular name in America? That's for me to know and for you to find out! I had no idea that I would take the time to look my name up after reading Katie's Blog. As the song says, "It only takes a spark to get a fire going." By the way, there is only one person in America named John Carroll Coomer. I bet he is a great guy!! Cute too.

FYI: When I told my wife there is only one John Carroll Coomer, she said, "That's one too many." Ouch!!

FYI: I looked up the name of a friend.
First the bad news; There is no such name. Good news: He doesn't have to pay taxes!!

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