Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I am amazed of how much attention our daughter's dog needs and gets. Derby was a Christmas gift from her parents. The thing is, I didn't realize how demanding Derby can be. He has to be fed, taken out and brought back in to do his unmentionable business, picked up after when he doesn't do what he should do where he should do it, if you know what I mean, played with and, be spoiled. It's hard work but somebody's got to do it, right? What also amazes me is how fast Derby has grown in the time he has been with us. This little puppy will be a big dog before we know it. As cute as he is as a puppy, he has to grow though. How can something so small become so big, so fast? You know what? I used to ask that about our two children when they were just little pups, not all that long ago. Derby day is every day for us. And we sure do enjoy it. What Derby enjoys is when Jennifer opens the garage door when she gets home from a day's work. As he wags his tail waiting for her to walk through the back door, it sure makes for a happy ending to Derby's day!

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