Thursday, January 18, 2007

Get the Picture?

My wife went to the drug store late yesterday afternoon to pick up some photographs that we had taken some time back. It was a hoot when we looked at them. But there was one that I'll treasure for a long, long time. It shows me standing by one of my favorite writers, Ken Gire. It amazes me that when I mention Gire's name, most people have never heard of him. Gire has written several books over the past years. He did four called, Intense Moments with the Savior, a look at the Lord's life. And my favorite, The North Face of God. I met and heard Ken Gire at The Cove in Ashville, North Carolina last year. Two of his books have his name written inside the cover. One says, "For John, Wishing you all God's best for the road ahead. Warmly, Ken Gire." The other says, "For John, I hope you enjoy this book and that with each chapter you fall a little more in love with the Savor. Warmly in Him, Ken Gire" He has helped me to do just that. That's why I admire him and his writing so very much. Gire has given me glimpses of God to my soul that help me along the road ahead. That's why I recommend his writings to anyone who wants some spiritual sparkplugs to ignite their souls too.

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