Monday, January 15, 2007


"In the beginning."
Today is a day of rememberance and a call to action. Dr. Martin luther King, Jr. Day isn't to be a
day off from work and that's that. It is a day to remind us that we all have privledges and re-
sponsibilties as citizens of this Country. Too often, too many of us take things for granted, don't
we? Maybe we are too spoiled. Maybe we forget to remember that there is a price paid for the
freedom we have. Even as you read this Blog, there are men and women far, far away fighting for freedom. It's a high price tag yet, there they are doing what they can. What are we doing to
preserve freedom?
Luke 4: 16 ff, are Jesus' words about freedom. He tells what He has come to do. He says, "The
Spirit of the Lord is upon me.......He has sent Me to let the oppressed go free..." What has the
Spirit of the Lord told you to do to help people be free from something or, from someone? Who
has helped set you free from something or someone? How did they do it? What are we doing to set others free from some sort of oppression? Maybe, just maybe, you and I need to be bolder
in our actions than we are. With God's help, we can put into practice actions that set people
free. Why wait? Do it now. That's what Jesus did. He was sent. Are you? If so, are you going?

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