Saturday, December 09, 2006


Things were very tempting around our house Saturday. We've been baking cookies, cakes and pies to help pay for our Channcel Choir's trip to New York to perform at Carnegie Hall next June.I washed dishes, scrapped bowls and taste tested the goodies for free. I didn't have to be paid for doing my jobs. It was a sweet job. Somebody had to do it, why not me! I'm an expert taste tester for sure. Saturday morning I made a mistake and went to the Mall. Everyone from everywhere were there. The trouble is, I didn't see even one person I know. I did see someone getting a ticket for parking in a Handicap parking spot. I'm sure that's something that someone didn't want to get for Christmas, but he musta been bad, not good this year. I didn't even go see my two best buddies, Barnes and Noble. Most likely I didn't miss much. I came on home instead and got involved with my family as we did our small part in being helping hands. One of us, I won't say whom, looked like an elf but he has such elf esteem that he didn't really do all that much. Last time I saw him, he was taking a nap. Poor elf. But I'm sure he will elf himself to the goodies. I know I will.

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