Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Last night I picked up a book I bought back several years ago. It was like a reunion. It was as if
I had found a long lost friend. It's a book of sermons by a Pastor who died of a heart attack in 1993. The text for one sermon is from Hebrews 11: 4, "....he died, but through his faith he still speaks." Wow! What words! He has blessed me so many times through the years when working
on my own sermons. Something he had said or had written would come to mind and I would be
blessed by it. It was indeed as if he were still speaking.
All this has gotten me to thinking of those who have lived their lives and gone on to Glory. They
are family members and friends, some whom I knew very well and others whom I didn't know all that well, yet, they said or did something that's left a lasting influence upon my own life. It's
also gotten me to thinking, will people remember me or anything I said or did after I'm gone?
I hope so. Maybe I still have time to do something about it. That's why I'm writing this Blog. It
is to remind us all that someone, somewhere, some time, some how has been blessed by our lives. So, let's add to those memory making things that matter the most. That's what that book
did for me last night. I'm so glad I picked it up because it sure did pick me up!

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