Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Donald Trump has given the gift of grace to Tara Conner for Christmas. Now it will be up to her
to take that gife and use it well. Some people exchange their Christmas gifts because they don't
like them or they don't fit. Well, if the gift fits, take it! This gift of a second chance is something
she should treasure for years to come. It's up to Miss USA not not mess up. Again. We all need such a gift from time to time, don't we? I know I do! That's really what Christmas is all about.
It's all about a God of grace giving each of us someone who can fully forgive us. His name is Jesus. Don't take God's grace for granted. It is wrapped in love as God wraps His arms around all of us and whispers in our hearts, "I love you." "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound.." It comes from Someone richer than Donald Trump too! Isn't that something to really celebrate this Christmas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just wanted to say merry Christmas to you. I enjoy reading your blog, it is one of those things that I do in the morning to give me a perspective on the day. Enjoy the season my friend, and I will see you on Sunday.