Thursday, December 07, 2006


"Memphis has left the building." Memphis is a dog. A dog - gone - dog! No matter to Memphis if it was very cold, he wanted freedom from the home where he gets food, shelter, love, etc. So
we let Memphis be missing most of the afternoon. After all, all he wanted was his freedom. He
knew that we knew he would be back. Even if he would play games with us to get him home to
stay. He would tease us as if to say, "I'll be back when I get good and ready." Well, it was they taste and smell of tomato sauce that lured him home to stay. Memphis is back in the building!
We will watch him when he goes out on his lease to be sure he doesn't escape again. We don't know if Memphis missed us while he was gone, but we sure did miss Memphis. The dog-gone-dog is wagging his tail as I write this Blog because he is planning his next taste of freedom. I sure hope I can catch him before he's out on the town again. I feel like a dog-gone- fool whenever that happens. And, it puts me in the dog house. Again.

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