Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I read something a few days ago that grabbed my attention and hasn't let go. I don't remember
where I read it, I just remember it today. Someone said that he heard about a fault finder who
went about finding fault in people. He found fault in his parents, his children and even his Pastor. this fault finder then would pray for those people daily. He would offer help to them through words of encouragement. He would try to bring something good out of the bad. Rather then putting them down, he lifted them up.
I want to be the best fault finder because of what I read about this person. I have an idea that fault finders are in great demand. They can't be bought at some store or over the internet. Fault finders are hard to find so if you see one somewhere, be grateful. Better yet, see if you qualify. All it takes is a caring spirit that you can give to others. Anyone, anywhere , anytime can do it. Even you.

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