Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Yesterday I started reading a new book by John Eldredge, The Way of the Wild Heart. By the
time I got to page seventeen I wasn't sure I wanted to read any more of it. It wasn't because I
felt as if I've read all this stuff already. It wasn't because it wasn't interesting. It was because I
was seeing too much of myself on page after page and I was uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. It was as if I was looking in a rear view mirror and not wanting to see what I was seeing. So, I put the book down - for awhile - a short while. I felt as if I was being lured to look at yet another page and another page and so forth. So, today I'm picking the book back up to read as much of it as I possibly can before putting it back down.
What I was seeing were things about me as a son and as a father that made me feel like a failure. It hurt. Bad. The Way of the Wild Heart speaks of me and too me. Truth is, it's like having a root cannal! Thus far I'm finding that I want to be numbed from the pain I feel but I know that I have to deal with my pain if I'm going to feel better and do better as a son and as father. So, why do I write these things to you if I don't want you to know me as I know me? It is because if you are a man, you too need to pick up the this book and see if you see yourself as I have seen myself. While it hurts, it also helps heal. No wonder where I will be when I get through reading this 300 page book. This isn't a book review as much as it is a life review. It's also like looking at a map into the future. If you dare, join me on the journey and find out where you have been and where you are going. You will be far better off than you will if you don't see what it has to say to you and about you.

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