Thursday, November 09, 2006


I have been looking forward to today for some time. My wife and I are having lunch with five of
our friends where we will share stories, have lots of laughs and enjoy fantastic food. Every time
the seven of get together like this, it is a time to affirm one another. It's so sad that there's not
enough of that going around these days. What goes around is putting people down, gossip about people and things like that. The just ended political races illustrate what I'm saying. They put others down to lift themselves up. "If the other person looks bad, it makes me look good" was their motto. What we need to do is lift others up with words and acts of kindness, not knock them down and then go off leaving them in the dust. The Good Samartian gives us a good example of how we should live life. He went out of his way to help someone. It took time on his part but it gave the one he helped a LIFE LIFT. Why don't you give someone a LIFE LIFT and see if it makes them have a happier day? I promise you this, you will have a happier day as you go on your way.

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