Wednesday, January 18, 2012


While I was having coffee this morning at Barnes & Noble, a man from our coffee group
came in late. When he saw me he pointed at me and said, "Hello, potted plant (because
I'm there so often)." I looked at him and said, "Atleast I'm not a blooming idiot!" He
hushed up but smiled at me as if to say, "I'll get even." I doubt it because I'm too quick
on the draw. Besides, my plants are resting for the winter.
I enjoyed reading from four books while I was at Barnes & Noble today. I needed to stay
there and take my time being by myself after the coffee club guy's left. It was so nice to
not have to be anywhere else, doing something else. (my wife may not agree with me)
I started reading a new book that I really was blessed by reading as much of it as I did.
I'll have to go back (soon, I hope) to finish it. I even cheated and wrote down a couple
of notes from it.
The Cafe' was full with people talking, reading, playing cards or chess while sipping a
drink & eating something. I only knew one person in the crowded cafe' so I said something
to her as I was leaving.

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