Tuesday, June 14, 2011


When we discovered that the space for the new fridge was too tight to
work, I knew that something had to give. Today I removed the book
case next to the fridge space and the fridge fits just fine. The next job
will be finding or making a space for the books that were there. Both
of us had to work hard to get the job done but it is the perfect fit, just
like the two of us.
I also discoved that I put the seat on backwards on the excective chair
yesterday so I did it over today. It works well now whenever we need
to adjust the back of it. If I had read the instructions I might of gotten
it right the first time. Maybe.
Needless to say, I'm tired after two day's of hard work around the
house. I hope I can have Wednesday off to go off to Barnes and Noble
to read and relax. That's another perfect fit.

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