Saturday, March 05, 2011


Little RED RIDING Hood is the name we've given to our crv. Since we
be riding in it we hope everything under the hood will be in great shape.
LRH is in he garage waiting to go for a ride to church & out to eat in the
morning. The sun is to shine again they say. Hope they know what they
are talking about.
Lazy is the word for our house today. We've rested for the most part
after a hard day yesterday. I've read some and taken a couple of very
short naps.
Now that we have LRH, we plan to go see my twin next week and my
wife wants/needs to see her sister while we're there if possible. I see
my Doctor about how I'm doing after the cast came off of the broken
foot. Good, I hope.
LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD unless we change it again.


L. Peyton Adams said...

I say Ken our youth minister who says hello. I was there for Stever Ayers benefit bazaar. He needs prayer due to a health issue. I am still working on the Adams family tree. I found Great Grandfather had been widowed prior to marrying Nancy Littlefield who had Obie Frank Adams. Tell Harold, there is still an Adams in Madisonville pulling for him.

John Carroll Coomer said...

Thanks for info - Harold has a long, long way to go, Peyton. I
will tell him Tuesday when I
see him.
Take care & keep digging - you
might find out that we are
kin - we are, in Christ.