Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Caring-Bridge is a wonderfull way to keep informed about someone
who is sick and to express your thoughts to them in a note to them.
Right now my twin brother is being blessed by Caring-Bridge as
people from places far and near express themselves to Harold and
Trudy. I have tried to to say something to them during the days
of tough, tough times. Perhaps you have as well and for that I'm
am gratefull as are Harold and Trudy.
The sad thought is that we meet people face to face everyday who
need a caring-Bridge offered to them in their tough times. A word
or a smile can lift up their drooping spirits even though you might
not even be aware of what you just said or did for them. It is a
gift of grace. It is a gift of peace.
If you care about others, let them know in some small way that
you do. They will be blessed and so will you. I know I am.

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