Sunday, February 06, 2011


My son called home early Sunday morning to see how we're doing during
this tragic time. My twin and I will turn 67 years old next Friday and I'm
wondering if he will be here. Right now he is on a hospital bed in ICU in
critical condition.
Eveytime I think of Harold and his being in such sad shape, it's like taking
a can opener to my heart. So many memories flow forth. So much pain
flows forth. It hurts so much I can hardly take it. But there are two
things that happened just this morning that give me in-peace.
When I turned to Facebook, I saw where our daughter had posted a
song of hope, "Through It All." The 23rd Psalm speaks of walking
through the valley and knowing God is with us. I needed those words
of hope and healing.
The phone rang early today and it was our son wanting to see how we
are doing. When he was about to hang up he said, "I love you Dad."
That's all this old man needed! I told him how much I love him too.
My own daughter and son wrapped their arms around this heart of
mine that's hurting and gave me what I needed, themselves.
This will be a tough week for our family as we deal with life and death
issues. With God's help, we will make it. Harold will make it too.

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