Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Since the weather was cooler this morning, my wife and I went to my bother's
house across town to work in his yard. While she sprayed the weeds on one
side of the house, I cut down weeds out front. Afterwards we carried them out
beside the street to be picked my this afternoon by the city. By the time we
were through, we were both soaked with sweat but the work was well worth
it. One neighbor stopped to say so. I said, "Thanks for your help!" He drove
on off. Thanks for nothing!
We are back home and are resting after a busy morning. I sure hope she
doesn't put me to work here, I'm exhausted! Besides, I need to rest since
I'm speaking to a group at church tonight. My topic: "Am I My Brother's
Keeper?" My answer: Yep! Just wait till he gets my bill. My real topic for
tonight will be: "My Stephen Ministry." I hope I don't put them to sleep.

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