Monday, June 14, 2010

Janice, John & Jesus

I learned today that a minister friend passed away this morning. Wayne and I went before
the Board of Ordained Ministry the same day years ago. Soon afterwards, we were yoked
together as co-pastors of some small churches outside of Owensboro, Ky. Several years
later I held a revival at his church and stayed with Wayne and his wife for a week.
Wayne's brother, James, was a retired pastor at Fern Creek (Louisville) when I served
Fern Creek UMC. "It's a small, small world after all" isn't it? I will miss seeing my
brother in Christ till we meet again.
I took my wife to Nashville to see her Doctor and then for a massage, I drank coffee
at Starbucks and read as my way of getting relaxed. After a long day and a long
drive, we're home again and glad of it! All in all, it's been a good day.
I read several pages of, Jesus Manifesto, by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola whenever
I could while we were gone. It's going to be another book that I will want and need
to read again and again, I'm sure. While it is heavy reading, it lifts my spirits higher
and higher. It will yours as well.
Janice, John & Jesus spent the day together today and we were blessed beyound words.

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