Saturday, April 10, 2010


Since today my wife has a birthday, I took her and our daughter out for breakast. I even
went with them to the farmer's market to boot. The two of them are going shopping now
that they dropped me off back at home. Golf gets going before much longer which will
take up the rest of my afternoon. Our son is heading home after he gets off from work
tonight. We will attend church as a family Sunday and then go out to eat again.
I thought about going to Barnes & Noble today but knew I needed and wanted to be
with my family. I may go Sunday afternoon before watching more golf. It depernds
on how the game goes today. I'm reading a new book about a young man who walks
across America after his wife dies and his work goes down the drain. I hope to meet
the author next Saturday at a book fair here in Bowling Green.
We have the Master bedroom painted and hope to finish the last bedroom next week.
The walls are that are left since I've done the woodwork already. Then we will move
our daughter to that room and make her old room our home office. There is light at
the end of the tunnel. Not much and not bright but let there be light.

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