Monday, January 04, 2010


I am worn out tonight after my wife & I took our old Oldsmobile to Somerset for
our son to use. I drove the Oldsmobile & my wife drove the other car there. We
had a delightfull time while we were in Somerset but were glad to get home. I
drove us home knowing that she had to be worn out after a busy day.
I got an invitation to preach the last Sunday of January today. Since Sugar Grove
is willing tohave me back for the 20th time, I will preach. their pastor has to be
at a meeting with other minister's that morning. I don't have to attend now that
I'm retired.
Yesterday I consecrated Communion at the 8:15 service and headed home to
read the papers until my wife & I went out to eat lunch. I had planned on going
to Barnes & Noble but she needed the car. I watch football & had a nice nap
knowing we would be running all day today. I was right. I need to take Tuesday
off now.
So, two plus one = one, now that we have got rid of one car and have only the
one we have for now. We'll see how long that will lasts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!