Thursday, October 01, 2009

Thursday Thoughts

I'm home alone today while my wife is out of town. The sounds of silence are strange to me
because they are so few. I'm trying to not talk or listen to anything for as long as I possibly
can. It is a time to be still and know God.
After three days of working in my brother's yard, I need a day of retreat just to relax and
read. My sermon for Sunday is ready so I don't have to work with that. I visited at the
hospital yesterday morning and need to visit some homes Friday. I don't want to get
behind of my tour of duty.
I'm several pages into a new book by Mitch Albom, Have a Little Faith. It is much like
Tuesday's With Morrey which he wrote a few years ago. It is an easy read packed full
of thoughts to think about as they apply to the reader's own life. I want to take my time
reading the book so that I don't skip something I should see and give throught too.
I want to take our daughter's dog for a walk in a little while since he likes to walk a few
blocks. I just hope he doesn't tug so much even if he is small, he is so strong. Derby
has a bad habit of barking at everyone even if he doesn't have to do so. He needs
some obedience training. Come to think of it, so do I.

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