Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Pledge

I found Adam as I was dusting around our house this Ash Wednesday. He was under
our bed. But I also found some of Adam's friends in other places. I found Dusty on
the desk. I found Little Dusty on the Dinning Room table. And, I found Dusty the
Fuzz by our bed. I Pledge to do better at keeping Dust out of our house every year
but dust seems to also slip in some way and cover things up before we know it.
What really has me puzzled is how does God know about the dust in our house
when He says, "Dust to dust."? I think I need a Dust Buster to help around here!
I just hope Adam doesn't get his feelings hurt when I rub him the wrong way.
I Pledge to keep him from sneezing too loud and spreading more dust. I've seen
enough already.
Anyone seen Waldo?

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...

What was Adam Shrouds doing at our house?