Saturday, October 18, 2008


There is a yard sale going on next door as I write this. It is interesting to watch the
people come and go. They seem so excited as they approach the sale but let down
as they leave without anything. I've seen some with some things but for the most
part it's been slow, very slow. Very few taking anything with them back to their car
or truck. If so, not much.
I went over and looked for a bargain. I came home without anything too. But, when
my wife went over, she brought home something for me. A tray to hold my food
and drink while on the bed watching tv. I'm having to do lots of that these days
with my broken foot. If I can persuade her to bring me breakfast in bed now I will
have it made in the shade! Dream on.
I offered my next door neighbor $5 for her car but she said she had to have $7. I
told her I didn't have that kind of money, I'm just a poor preacher. She said, "I
know, I've heard you preach!" Ouch! Just see if I ever go back!

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