Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I got lots of laughs when I took Derby, our daughter's cocker spaniel, out back to play. One
of his favorite things to do is chase a tennis ball. While he was going to get it, I poured some
water in the water bowl from a milk cantainer. Then I tossed it down to do something else.
Little did I know that Derby would chase after that milk bottle as if it were his very best
toy! He ran and ran after it. He had it in his mouth by the handle. Whenever he hit it with
his small body, it went flying from him. He would go grab it and take off with it as if to say,
"Got Ya!!"
Isn't interesting that this toy wasn't some exspensive something from some store, but an
empty, plastic milk bottle? Just for the fun if it, I tossed another one out today and off
he went, chasing after it. I laughed so much that my tummy hurt.I know if someone saw
me out back laughing like that they thought I was crazy. Well, maybe, just maybe, they
are right! You see, I'm crazy about a dog named Derby who thinks I' m a great guy!! The
little feller is right about that, if I say so myself!

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