Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I started reading The Jesus Way while my wife and I were in the Smokies last week. Most of
the time I read a book like using a microwave. Quick. This time though, I read 67 pages of the
book as if it was a crock pot. Slow. Real slow. This 300 page book will take time because I'm
in no rush to finish it. I want to allow each and every word, each and every sentence to soak
down deep into my soul. You see, this book is reading me. It is as if my soul is being scanned
by a MRI to detect the good, the bad and the ugly so that my soul can be cleansed The Jesus
I haven't picked up Eugne Peterson's book since arriving home Monday. I need some down
time before looking up again. I might miss something if I simply start reading just to finish
yet another book. I don't want that to happen. I rather go slow than go too fast this time. I
have an idea that this might not happen to everyone who reads The Jesus Way, but it is the
way it works for me. There are so many good books that you can read that will touch your
soul like this one has me. I have several on the shelves of my study that I treasure. Now I
have one more to add to them along with the best book of all, The Bible. Talk about a book
that knows you, it knows you from cover to cover! It's all about the One who covers your
sins and mine The Jesus Way.

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...

you used italics!