Friday, January 12, 2007


I got out of bed at 5:00 this morning to takes two of our dogs out. I planned to go back to bed but didn't. As I was walking back into the kitchen I noticed that our son had a couple of
work shirts that needed to be ironed. So, I did that for him. Then I noticed that he had some
things still needing to be dried in the close dryer. So, I did that for him. Knowning I had to be
somewhere at 8:00, I shaved and showered. Being the nice husband that I am, I always put out
a small bowl for my wife, along with a cup and spoon. Well, this morning I placed the largest
bowl I could find out for her. She might not mention it to me or, she might hit me with it! I call
all this the Fun Bowl.
Have a great day. I'm going out and get the morning paper and see if my name is in the obits. If
it's not, I'll get ready to meet my friend for breakfast. If my name is there, I'll just close my eyes and go back to bed.

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