Sunday, November 05, 2006

Time for a Coffee Break

I have a bad habit of observing how many times someone says something over and over again. I count the times my Pastor says, "if you will", in his sermons. I even count the number of times I say, "it seems to me", whenever I preach. When I started reading a book by Guideposts, I kept count of the number of time mentions coffee. I am on page 263 and coffee has been mentioned ten times thus far. I still have over a hundred pages to go and I have an idea I will come across the word coffee once or more before finishing my book. The funny thing is, most of the time I have to have two or three cups of coffee while I'm reading. I've had two while working with this blog. Often I will have a pot of coffee on knowing that soon I will be picking up a good book and wanting a couple of cups of good coffee. Like, right now. Be seeing ya!

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...

If you're reading the 2007 Guidepost devotional book now what are you gonna read come Jan? IT SEEMS TO ME you might wanna save it.