Friday, September 08, 2006


Next week my wife and I will travel to Asheville, North Carolina to The Cove (Billy Graham Center) for a few days and nights of September spiritual refreshing. We will hear Ken Gire share Scripture after Scripture of what Jesus said and did during His days upon the dusty streets and roads where He lived for thirty years. Gire has written four fabulous books featuring such Scriptures. Each one deals with different aspects of the Lord's life. Next week my wife and I will be blessed by being at The Cove where the food is fabulous, the teaching terrific and, the accommodations, magnificent. But, best of all, my wife and I will be blessed simply by being together. While we look forward to making new friends, eating the food, hearing an outstanding writer share his thoughts with us, simply being with one another will be more than enough. We will be refreshed and renewed as we hold hands and hand it to Almighty God that He does all things well. After all, God gave my wife to me 37 years ago to be my wife, my companion, my best friend. What else do I need?

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