Friday, May 12, 2006

John, you're fired!

I was asked to preach for several Sundays at a small church until they receive a new pastor. I have all the sermons ready in my brief case and ready to preach. They include the sermon, the text, the songs to sing and one or two other things. Lots of thought. Lots of work. Lots of prayers.

Well, today my District Supertindent called and in essence told me what Donald Trump would tell me, "John, you're fired!" Not really. I'm just not needed. The church has a new pastor who starts Sunday. So I will simply put my sermons away and hope to preach them somewhere else some other time.

I'm delighted that the small church has a new pastor and that they don't have to wait. I'm also glad that I can sit with my family at church Sunday and listen to my Pastor share the Good News of the Gospel. Life goes on. I'm a survivor.


John Carroll Coomer said...

Trump is just jealous of your great head of hair.

john said...

John! Found your blog and wanted to encourage you... although you are not employed anymore as pastor... be the pastor you are! I wish we had people in your age and with your experience "hanging around" our church... says who? A pastor in a church with many young people in Stockholm, Sweden.. If you have nothing to do... God bless you!
