Sunday, July 10, 2011


I attended the 8:15 service this morning and then headed
home to let my nephew drop his dog off for the week at our
house while his family is at music camp. Now we have two
barking dogs to take care of till Saturday. the worse thing
(really best) is that tomorrow the air-conditioning will be
shut down while a new one is installed through Tuesday.
We can't complain since we have had air-condioning while
some people don't have any at all.
I went to Barnes & Noble and started reading a new book
this afternoon. It was a cool place to be while drinking my
hot coffee and reading a the same time. I may go back in
the morning if I can't stand the heat (get out of the kitchen)
and I doubt I can. It will be a heat wave as I wave good bye
to the dog's & my dear wife.

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