Friday, January 28, 2011


Most everytime I work at this desk, there is a cute cocker spaniel at my
feet. He is on an old blue banket and soundly sleeping. But if I make one
move, he is up and at it. I'm amazed at how he is always right under my
feet, so to speak. It's good to know I have one faithfull friend at my age.
Since I soon will get the cast off my broken foot, I'm starting to think of
where I want to go and what I want to do. While my wife has been very
good at driving me places, it's driving me crazy. (hold off on the thought
you just thought because I know how you think - so does God) Six full
weeks of not driving has allowed me to think of just how much I take
things for granted. I'm indeed thankfull for having someone to drive
me when I can't drive. She just doesn't like my words of wisdom when
I say something about her driving. I'm trying to be mum but it isn't
ever easy for me.
Well, it's time for me and my shadow to get up and go take a nap
while the getting is good. So good-night - don't forget to leave the
front porch light on - oh, it's only 1:12pm - who cares, come on

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