Thursday, September 24, 2009

When I Grow Up

This afternoon I paid a visit to an elderly man whom I've known for twenty-three
years. He is hard of hearing and has very bad eye sight. You would think he would
be having pity party after pity party because of these troubles. Not so. This elderly
gentleman is full of humor and great spiritual strength that puts me to shame.
In an hour visit I never heard one complaint, just praise of how the Lord has blessed
his life throughout the years. I could of listened to him for another hour but I had
been there too long already. Since he invited me back, I'm going to take him up on
that inviation as soon as I possibly can.
I pray that when I'm much older, I'll grow up to be like this man who can't hear or
see very well but who can see and hear better than I do. What a blessing to be with
him in his home and have prayer with him as we held hands.
As I was about to leave he spoke of a child rubbing her hands over her Grandfather's
face and feeling the wrinkles there. Then she asked how he got them. After he
told her
that God made him and that God made her to as well. Suddenly she said, "God's
getting better, isn't He?" as she rubbed her own sweet face. We laughed as we
told one another how good it was to be with one another. I'm still laughing.

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