Thursday, April 30, 2009


This afternoon I will be fitted with a device to assist me in lifting my right foot when
I walk. I've been doing therapy for a few weeks to strenghten my foot/leg. I tend to
drag my foot due to my MS. I sure hope this helps prevent me from falling so much.
The therapy has helped me so much that I plan to work the plan as long as I can.
Yesterday was busy for us. We had our picture made for the church directory and
then attended Bible study. When we got home, all three of us were too tired to do
much of anything.
I've been asked to preach the first Sunday in June for a pastor who will be on vacation.
This will be my first sermon as a retired pastor since I retire the Thursday before I
preach. It's good to know I can still be of help from time to time. I hope I get many
more invitations to preach since I love doing it so very, very much.
Today would be a good day to sleep since it's raining but I thinkI will stay up and
read a new book I've bought. I better get the coffee to perking.

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