Monday, April 27, 2009

Bird Dog

Our daughter's dog, Derby, has a habit of barking too much.. Way too much! This morning
he was barking at the birds as if to tell them our back yard is off limits to them. When he
runs after them, they fly on off as if to say, "let me see you fly!" The other two dogs stare
at Derby as if to say, "Can't you see we're trying to sleep?"
Whenever the big dog's have dog food, Derby wants it. Whenever Derby has his dog food,
the big dogs want his. Mix the two together all all is well with the three of them. I think
they are mixed up dogs.
Derby likes to be with me on the front porch swing watching what's going on. He barks
at cars, dogs, name it and Derby barks at it. It's hard to read or drink my
coffee with Derby jumping all over the place. Most of the time I stop whatever I'm doing
and watch him watching what is going on.
Right now he is sleeping on the cool floor while I blogg. He is getting me sleepy too so I'm
out of here. Nap time. Come on, bird dog.

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...

Fitting that he's a bird dog and from the same county as the Everly Brothers (Hey Bird Dog, get away from my gal...).

As I'm writing this Derby is asleep on the floor next to the recliner.