Tuesday, July 01, 2008


My wife told me tonight to remember to call my dad. If I did, it would belong distant.
Dad was buried today at the young age of 96. There were very few nights when one
of his children failed to call him. He loved to hear from us and we loved to hear from him.
We were astonished at how many people visited the funeral home and attended the
funeral. But more than that, we were amazed at how most of the thanked the Lord
for letting Bro John touch their lives in so many ways.
Dad has had his prayers answered now and he is with the Lord Jesus who touched
and transformed his life so many years ago. Dad touched my life so many times, in
so many ways. That's why I want to walk in his footsteps for I know they lead to
the Lord.

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...

Amen and Amen. Too-da-loo.