Saturday, May 10, 2008


I've been busy with preaching for the past three weeks at a small church nearby. I've
preached at Bever Dam UMC ten times over the past few years. They have been a
delight to worship with and work with. But now there pastor is moving after ten
years. The good news for me is that he will be just a few miles from where we live.
I will miss being at Bever Dam. They have let me be me, which is dangerous. I hope
I didn't do too much damage. Maybe Gary will have me at his new church one of these
days. If he does, that proves he is a nut!
I've missed my home church where I consecrate Communion at the early service each
Sunday, So I look forward to being back tommorow morning. After attending the 8:15
service I go to the 9:30 contemporary service with my family. Then we flip the coin
on where we go to eat lunch. Anywhere but White Castle is fine with this nut!

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