Wednesday, July 12, 2006


It was a hard thing to do but I had to do it yesterday. As I stood by the garbage can and dropped my blue tennis shoes in, many memories came to mind. Those are the tennis shoes I walked many a mile in when my wife and I were in Gatlinburg, TN a few years ago. Those are the tennis shoes I walked many a mile in when we were at Asheville, NC at The Cove a few of years ago. Those are the tennis shoes I walked in here at home as I walked several blocks with one of our two grand-dogs (they belong to our son). Those are the tennis shoes that I've taken the garbage out with many, many times. Now, to the dump, to the dump, to the dump they go...gone, but not forgotten.

So what? Where do your shoes take you?

May the soles help your soul walk with God these Summer days.

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