Friday, May 05, 2006


One of the books I bought and read while I was on the 7th story balcony was Having a Mary
Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver. As I read the book I realized I was reading about myself. I, like Martha, stay too busy when I need to simply stop and rest and be restored. I have an idea I'm in good company with others who have the habit of not pushing the "pause" button on their souls. Hold up your hand if I'm writing about you. Yes, I see that hand are there others?

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...

What kind of Christian are you when you like to cook but most of the time you're too lazy & just eat cereal? I don't think that Mary or Martha. It could be a new category. Like microwave vs. crockpot Christian. Cereal Bowl Christian.